Friday, March 18, 2011

Izzie's Present

Yesterday was Izzie's birthday. Izzie is my sweet beagle/dachsund mix who I adopted when she was a puppy. Izzie turned 4 yesterday. It is hard to believe she is growing up so fast!! Anyways, we took Izzie to Petsmart to pick out her birthday present. Apparently she could not contain her excitement. She decided that inside the front entrance to the store was the perfect place to poop!! I was mortified. I couldn't even believe it. Izzie never does anything like that ever. I guess she just had a little too much fun on her birthday. Or maybe she just wanted to leave a present for the people at Petsmart too. Who knows....


  1. Your doggie is so cute :)
    I love how you take her to get her birthday present! My little dog has some accidents in the pet stores too, you're not the only one!

    Elise (hopefulelise)

  2. Daisy has done that before a couple times in Petsmart! I was mortified too!
